Cucumis - Ücretsiz online çeviri hizmeti
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Tüm çeviriler

Talep edilen çeviriler - kabral

Kaynak dil
Hedef dil

2 sonuçtan 1 - 2 arası sonuçlar
Kaynak dil
Bu çeviri talebi yalnizca anlamla ilgilidir.
İngilizce Second Chance Offer
Second Chance Offer

The seller is making this Second Chance Offer because the high
bidder was either unable to complete the transaction or the seller has a
duplicate item for sale. The selling of this item through Second Chance
Offer is in compliance with policy; you will be able to exchange
Feedback with the seller and will be eligible for all services
associated with a transaction.

Tamamlanan çeviriler
Türkçe Ä°kinci Teklif Åžansı